
To log on the cluster, you have to request for an account on this page.

Now, open a ssh connection on the login node :

  • Host  = bird2login.univ-nantes.fr
  • Login = LDAP user (University of Nantes user) or bird-login
  • Port = 22

The connection is possible on Windows (7 or less) with Putty software (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html).

On Linux or MacOS, simply use a terminal. On Windows 10, use the powershell terminal:

ssh -XC userlogin@bird2login.univ-nantes.fr


Storage directories

  • Home space : /home/<login>. This is your home directory when you login. Be careful, this space is very small (1Go) and should only contain your configuration files.
  • Working space : /SCRATCH-BIRD/users/<login>. This is your personal working directory.

  • Secured space : /LAB-DATA/BiRD/users/<login>. This is your personal secured space to store data.

  • Applications
    • /LAB-DATA/BiRD/resources/apps/<package type>/<package name>/<package version>
    • /LAB-DATA/BiRD/apps//ifb-nncr


Data transfer

To upload/download your data, you can use any SSH-FTP client (FileZilla for example).

Or use "scp" command line

scp /my/path/myfile mylogin@bird2login.univ-nantes.fr:/LAB-DATA/BiRD/my/directory

If you want to download data from external FTP sources, please visit this site : https://wiki.univ-nantes.fr/personnels:ftproxy


Good practices

Change your Password (for non-univ login)

If you are not using a Nantes University LDAP login, a random password was provided to you when you created your account. You can modify it using the passwd command.

Changing password for j-dupont.
(current) UNIX password:

Job submission

Any job must be encapsulated in an SGE script (qsub) or launched in the interactive mode via SGE (qlogin). No job should be launched directly on the login node.

Jobs must be run from the /sandbox directory, but in no case run from /home.

Learn more...

Module environment

The Environment Modules package is a tool that simplify shell initialization and lets users easily modify their environment during the session with modulefiles. Learn more about module environments on the environments page.