Rstudio on BiRD

An instance of Rstudio is available on BiRD at:

Use your cluster credentials to log in to the instance.


By default, packages are installed in your HOME (/home/<login>). Since a quota of only 1Gb is available in your home, packages must be installed in another location. You can install your packages in your `/LAB-DATA/BiRD/users/<login>`.

In order to do so, two files need to be created in your HOME directory:

Go to your home directory:


Use a text editor such as "nano" or "vim" to create the 2 files below:


myPaths <- .libPaths()
myPaths <- c("/LAB-DATA/BiRD/users/<login>/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.6",myPaths)

Replace '<login>' with you login name




Once these files have been created, create the real path specified on the cluster:

mkdir -p /LAB-DATA/BiRD/users/<login>/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.6

Replace '<login>' with you login name


You can now log in to the Rstudio instance in your browser:

and click on "Session->Restart R"


/!\ beware that these modifications will be used every time R is run on the cluster. The R installed directly on the cluster will also use these files to install its packages.