Welcome on BiRD-cluster portal, to find informations about the computing resources of the Bioinformatics core facility
Please visit our community discussion forum : https://community-bird.glicid.fr/ if you have any technical questions.
You can ask questions, find help from the community of BiRD users or developers.
The BIRD core facility offers computing resource through a cluster, dedicated to the bioinformatics community.
This cluster is composed of:
- 14 computing nodes -> 832 threads
- 3 Tb of RAM (~215Go/node)
- 400 Tb scratch storage (BeeGFS)
- 600 Tb data storage (CEPH)
Ask for an account on this page.
To connect to the cluster, open a SSH connection on login node :
ssh -XC userlogin@bird2login.univ-nantes.fr
Several tools are available to facilitate the use of the cluster :
- screen : terminal multiplexer
- environment managers
- module
- conda
- Job submission : SGE
- by default, jobs are submitted on the 24h-queue. After this time jobs are stopped automatically.
Any job must be encapsulated in an SGE script (qsub) or launched in the interactive mode via SGE (qlogin). No job should be launched directly on the login node.
We invite you to install your own tools in your personal space.
Installation of software for multiple users can only be done by administrators and must be discussed beforehand.
However, we installed standard bioinformatics tools to facilitate the cluster usage.
You can use the module command to list them : module avail
Shared resources, like genome sequence and annotation are available : /LAB-DATA/BiRD/resources/
A nextcloud instance is available here. You can use it to share and retrieve your datas.
To use nextcloud, you must have a cluster account.
For any technical question, please use https://community-bird.glicid.fr/
In other case, you can send an email to pf-bird@univ-nantes.fr